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Mooi Praatjies
Elektrolise met ‘n verskil
Ek het al voorheen geskryf van die nare hare wat in die middeljare hul opwagting maak waar hulle intens onwelkom is – op die bolip, ken en in die nek.
Al raad daarmee is laser, maar laser is nie juis suksesvol op blonde, wit of grys hare nie, omdat dit moet werk op die donkerder pigment in die hare.
Dus bly net elektrolise oor. Nou kyk, ek is nie kleinserig nie, maar dit is regtig nie ‘n plesierige ervaring nie. Dit beteken ‘n naald (nie alte klein nie) word in die haarwortel gesteek, ‘n galvaniese elektriese stroom word deur die naald gestuur, dit maak die haar los, die wortel dood en dis verby met die stekelrige laspos. Tot die volgende een kop uitsteek, natuurlik, so ‘n millimeter of wat verder. Grrrrr.. Dan is dit weer van voor af dieselfde pynlike proses.
Nou het die slim Tzvia Herman, eienaar van die Laser Beautique salonne, ‘n nuwe elektrolise masjien in Israel opgespoor wat die idee van ongemaklike, pynlike elektrolise nek omdraai.
Dit Apilus elektrolise-sisteem bied honderd persent haarverwydering vir hare van enige kleur. Dit is feitlik pynloos en baie vinniger as tradisonele elektrolisis.
Hoe werk dit?
‘n Haarfyn naaldjie word regstreek in die individuele haarfolikel geplaas (nee, dit is NIE seer nie) om die haar met ‘n ligte elektriese stroom los te maak uit die haarvaatjie sodat dit nie weer ‘n nuwe haar produseer nie. Die tegniek word genoem flash thermolysis, en dit voel soos ‘n kort, skerp speldprik. Die termolise-tegnologie is vinniger en nie so pynlik soos die tradisionele galvaniese stroom nie.
My terapeut Lebo met haar Apilus elektrolise masjien.
My deeglik opgeleide elektrolise-terapeut, Lebo, was ‘n ster. Sy was ‘n meester met ‘n naald, het elke stap vir my haarfyn verduidelik en bowenal het sy my nie seergemaak nie. Ek het ook geen rooi merke agterna gehad nie.
Dit is ‘n puik opsie vir permanente haarverwydering en ek het die paar lastige haartjies wat knaend op my ken hul verskyning maak (dis nou maar die hormonale stryd van die middeljare…) in ‘n kwessie van minute vaarwel toegeroep. Dit beteken egter nie dat daar nie nog ander stekels gaan opduik nie – die aantal sessies wat nodig is, hang af van hormonale aktiwiteit, of die hare voorheen uitgepluk of gewaks is, en die pas waarteen hare groei.
Ek sal ongetwyfeld nog een of twee keer moet teruggaan, want in die afwesigheid van hul voorbarige maters het anargistiese bendelede met nuwe brawe stekels begin kop skiet. Maar nou het ek ‘ n stewige arsenaal wat hulle inwag – soos Dirty Harry sê: Make my Day!
Kyk gerus hier hoe dit werk. Daar is verskeie Laser Beautique takke landswyd waar jy die behandeling kan kry.
Savings Alert
Electrologist, a profession of the future
An electroepilation course available online and in German? Natürlich!
A few months after the Spanish version, it is now the turn of the German version to be launched in order to meet the demand of German-speaking countries. The official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Lichtenstein, German is the mother tongue of more than 120 million people. These people will now have access to the most advanced electroepilation course, allowing them to become an expert in this field. Today, 15 partner schools offer one of the Academie Dectro electrolysis classes and more partnerships are planned for the coming year.
Designed for professionals in the field of aesthetics, this 200-hour course offers a curriculum adapted to the reality of the modern hair removal market: a theoretical portion to learn the important concepts as well as a practical portion to develop good work techniques.
The Four Phases of The Hair Cycle
There are many influence factors that can affect the hair cycle such as age, heredity, hormones, medication, nutrition and even stress. Nevertheless, we all share the same hair cycle, broken down into four phases: anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen.
This is the hair cycle’s growth phase and it is influenced by the condition of the dermal papilla, which is voluminous and made up of a vascular core. The hair being rich in melanin and hydration, this phase is the target of electroepilation and photoepilation treatments.
The length of the hair varies depending on the body region, age, sex and the individual person. With an anagen phase of 2 to 6 years, hairs can reach a length of 1.28 meters (approximately 4 feet). The anagen phase varies from 1 to 12 months for certain regions of the body, which means hair in these areas can grow from 1 to 6 cm (approximately 0.4 to 2.3 inches).
Area | Hair | Eyebrows | Upper lip | Chin | Underarms | Arms | Bikini | Legs |
Duration of the anagen phase | 2-6 years | 1-2 months | 4 months | 1 year | 4 months | 2-4 months | 2-4 months | 4 months |
It is a transitional phase during which hairs stop growing, but remain attached to the dermal papilla. At this point, melanin is also no longer produced in the germinative zone. The catagen phase is the shortest and generally doesn’t last more than two or three weeks.
This resting phase, during which cells are inactive, involves no growth of the hair shaft. Papilla atrophy occurs and the hair is ready to fall and be replaced by a new anagen hair, after the beginning of the next growth cycle. Moreover, the telogen hair being less pigmented and having a white bulb, photoepilation results are not satisfying in this phase.
About 50 to 100 telogen hairs are normally shed each day, accounting for the hairs you see in the shower and when styling your hair.
This last phase represents the hair expulsion process. During a photoepilation treatment, the complete expulsion can take between 6 to 21 days. Once the hair has fallen, its bulb is no longer visible.
It is important to remember that the hair phase greatly influences the efficiency of hair removal. This is in fact why it is paramount to respect a strict appointment calendar: assiduity will ensure the best results!
Choosing The Right Probe
Although they are very small instruments, probes are an integral part of an electroepilation treatment and can have a considerable impact on the latter. However, it can be hard to find your way around all the available options and use the right probe with every client. We are here covering this subject to help you choose the right probe for every treatment, in order to maximize results and client satisfaction.
Insulated or non-insulated?
An insulated probe is covered with an insulating material and leaves a portion of the tip of the probe bare. That bare portion diffuses the current inside the hair follicle. The Pro-Tec probes use medical grade heat-resistant Teflon and offer two types of insulation that can adapt to any situation: IsoGard (bottom ¾ of the probe is insulated) and IsoBlend (bottom half is insulated).
The use of insulated probes is becoming more popular and is highly recommended. With insulated probes, the emitted energy is concentrated at the base of the follicle, where the germinative cells are located. By more precisely targeting the desired destruction area, the efficiency of the treatments will be superior and you’ll be able to lower your parameters, hence increasing your client’s comfort. Moreover, the insulation reduces heat diffusion and keeps it from reaching the skin’s surface, protecting it from cutaneous reactions. Since the heat is less largely diffused in the tissues, the use of insulated probes require more precision upon insertion in order for the energy to be directed on the right spots, the dermal papilla and the bulge.
Non-insulated probes are less and less used, mainly because of comfort and skin protection. Since the whole probe conducts the energy, it is spread all the way up to the skin surface. However, since the energy flows along the entire length of the hair follicle, the non-insulated probe forgives a little bit more faulty insertions.
One-piece or two-piece?
Made up of one piece, the part of the one-piece probe that is inserted in the hair follicle is the prolongation of the shank. Of conical shape, it is fine-tipped and rigid. Indeed, it is that particular shape that induces a variation of the probe’s diameter. Its use requires experience and vigilance because its rigidity makes it hard to feel the resistance that indicates the electrologists that she has reached the bottom of the follicle or that she is in a faulty insertion angle.
The two-piece probe is of cylindrical shape and is maintained in the shank by a crimping technique. The main advantage of a one-piece probe is the flexibility its shape gives it. Since the probe is independent from the shank, it slides more easily inside the follicle and, when performing difficult insertions, it allows the electrologist to feel the resistance and correct her insertion.
Calibre and type of shank
The calibre of a probe varies according to each brand’s standards. In electroepilation, Pro-Tec probes use calibres between 1 and 5, 1 being the smallest and 5 being the biggest. The choice has to be made with regards to size and depth of the hair, as well as the size of the ostium. Generally, the finer the hair, the smaller the calibre. For example, a very fine hair on a woman’s upper lip can be a size 1 or 2, whereas a coarse hair on a man’s beard can be a size 4 or 5.
There are two types of shanks : F and K. The type of shank to use is determined by the probeholder and the difference is in the shank size: F is slightly bigger than K. However, the size of the probe itself (the needle) remains the same. In fact, the use of one or the other doesn’t affect the treatment and is mainly relevant to country standards. For example, in North America, we mainly use F shanks for electroepilation, whereas K shanks are used for thermocoagulation. In some countries, like France and Australia, K shanks are used for electroepilation.
Unique features
For efficient, safe and comfortable treatments, Pro-Tec probes offer to electrologists unique features.
- SecurGard – Each probe is individually wrapped and its packaging guarantees that it will be sterile for five years.
- MicroGard – the rounded MicroGard tip provides the softest insertions, while preventing the tip of the probe from piercing the hair follicle, since it also allows the electrologist to feel a resistance once she has reached the bottom of the hair follicle.
- SteriGard – always know you are using the right probe with the SteriGard colour code. Just one look to confirm which calibre you are holding. This collar also protects the probe against contamination, prevents shank and skin contact and shields the probeholder from cellular debris. It also facilitates the installation of the probe into the probeholder.
Always remember that your particular set of knowledge and skills is what makes you a hair removal professional. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek more precise information on the tools and equipment you are using, it will help you provide even better treatments to your clients!
For hormonal reasons, the pilosity of men is generally more abundant than that of women. Yet they are markedly less inclined to call on the services of an electrologist. Paradox? Not really, since pilosity is still considered, at least in our western societies, as a symbol of masculinity.
However, in recent years the man-woman ratio seems to have reached a balance, opening up a whole new market for electrologists. From the ears, once trimmed by our grandfathers’ barbers, to the intimate parts, commonly cared for with a razor, men seek more and more to get rid of their unwanted hair.
The rise of this new clientele also led the engineers of Apilus electrolysis devices to develop new effective programs to address men’s hair that are definitely bigger and coarser. Now, with new technologies, we can achieve intensity according to the client’s gender and hair size for a 100% permanent and comfortable hair removal.
So men, so there is no reason to put up with these hairs that exasperate you so much. Whether on your chest, back or neck, electrolysis simply has no limits.
We sometimes get questions about the safety of electrolysis and possible long-term side effects. To address these fears, it is important to mention that this hair removal method has been around for over 140 years and no studies have identified risk factors for the health. In addition, professional electrologists have received rigorous training in the application technique, contraindications and hygiene procedures. Thus, the only “side effect” that you may encounter after an electrolysis treatment is the permanent removal of unwanted hair.
Many people wonder what is the principle behind hair removal with electricity. The answer to this question requires the presentation of several factors and elements. However, in this article we have chosen to limit ourselves to the essential: The phenomenon of high frequency.
What is high frequency current ?
The principle of high frequency is based on the creation of heat in the hair follicle which distroyes the tissues and cells responsible for hair growth. Heat is developed through a logical process related to frequencies 13,56 Mhz or 27,12 Mhz. In fact, the length of those waves, which alternate from positive to negative 13 560 000 or 27 120 000 times per second, creates an attraction and a repulsion of the atoms around the probe. Those movements generate friction and vibration into the follicle creating thereby heat which destroys the cells and tissues responsible for hair growth. The speed of those frequencies (13,56 or 27,12 Mhz) creates heat a lot faster than the frequencies formerly used (1,3 or 5 Mhz). Thus, the technological evolution of electrolysis devices enables electrologists to work with shorter application times than in the past, making the treatments much quicker and more comfortable.
High frequency phenomenon in short
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